After roaming about in space and beyond for a while, it is reported Those Foreign Kids have shot down the sky. On August 30 they have hit the ground with their debut album 'Zero Gravity
Somersaulting Craze'. Reports from the scene say the crater's the size of at least five medium-sized peacock farms, and hazardous glowing shards have scattered around the globe.
The single Get Eaten can still be downloaded for free on Bandcamp.
On ZGSC Those Foreign Kids' signature tsunamic surge has increased in power and takes on new shapes throughout the record. It picks you up, dangles you around and keeps you under just a little too
long. But then you wash up ashore. And while you are catching your breath the thrill is still vibrating throughout your limbs. Oh hell, you’ll want to go for another ride.
Zero Gravity Somersaulting Craze is recorded by Pim van de Werken, and mixed by Rory Brattwell
at Brattwell Recordings in London. All artwork by Kim David Bots.
Explore the universe with Those Foreign Kids' indefinable mix of avant-garde noisepop and post-punk songs.