We listen to all the demos we receive and try to reply to everyone. It can take some time until we get to your demo so please be patient. If we haven't replied after some time, there can be
a couple of reasons:
- we love it! But we are backed up with emails and haven't gotten to replying yet.
- we think it's really awesome and are trying to find a hole in our release schedule that is not next year. We usually have many releases planned and wouldn't want something cool to be overshadowed
by something else.
- we're still considering it and listening to it over and over again and just can't make up our minds. Or not all three of us agree on it which usually means we'll have to say no because we all have to get behind it.
- we think it wouldn't fit on Geertruida but we don't dislike it and are figuring out how to deal with this. We might be thinking about befriended labels that are a better match.
- we hate it we don't want really want to tell you that we think your baby is ugly. We will tell you eventually.
- we have the feeling you copy-pasted your email to all labels you could find without checking what we do or who we are.
You don't have to name drop bands we released and tell us how cool you think they are, but using them as a reference to your music is useful. We also don't need tons of background info, an email
with just a couple of sentences is enough. But if you want to go all out and tell us the names of your pets, go ahead, we're not suit people that you have to approach all officially.
If you think it's taking to long, feel free to send us a reminder.
It is a good idea to listen to some music in our catalogue. As you then hear is that we don't release a specific kind of music. It is hard to say what the reason is why we release certain
things and skip other things, since we sort of do what 'feels right/sounds right'. For us it's the whole package, not only the music, but the people making it is a big part as well. Say the things
you'd like to hear if you had a record label.
You can send them by mail or by email. We're kinda divided on what we prefer, so if you send mp3s we can listen to on devices and also send a streaming link, everyone here is happy.
Please use WeTransfer to send us files.